After 3 months of praying, I had a plan to go to an orphanage in Jakarta.
I was sms-ing & calling my friends to help me contribute to give their best (money/things-->old clothes) for spreading the spirit & love of Christmas for those who in needs.
Actually, I was quite nervous & blamed myself because I didn't have much preparations for these kind of event & lacking of time.
However, God is so kind...I had collected around 1.6 million rupiah fr my friends. From that money, I was buying things at Carefour such as rice, oil, green bean, soap, toothpaste, ketchup, noodles, and etc. And also bought rice bento from Hoka2 Bento for those orphans.Today, i was going to "Because of Love" Orphanage (Panti Asuhan Karena Kasih) at Sunter around 5.15 pm- 7 pm. There are 36 children, ranging from grade school (16 ppl), junior high & high school (19 ppl), and 1 infant. Those kids are truly sweet, funny, smart and such a Bless from God! We had fun, singing -playing games - chatting - camwhoring (upss) - eating together

Right: A boy, Michael was singing for us

Upper Right: Me & Tata (a 2 years old cute baby, with her curly hair - she wants to kiss me)
Below Left: Cindy & the boys (a boy besides her was very funny, he always smiles to us)
Below Right: the boys were showing the magic tricks from matches

Merry Christmas '08 & Happy New Year '09
God Bless
Proverbs 11:24-25
24. There is one who scatters, yet increases more; And there is one who withholds more than is right, But it leads to poverty.
25. The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself.
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